Wellfleet OysterFest 21st in WELLFLEET, MA

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Wellfleet OysterFest 21st in WELLFLEET, MA

Date 10/18/2025 to 10/19/2025
Promoter Wellfleet Oyster Alliance
Event Name Wellfleet OysterFest 21st
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Event Location Mainstreet
Craftmaster Codes $480,10X10,ACO,FAO,CL,F,JY,DL 4/1
20000 ATTN,3+1 PH,CRQ,OS,JU $20,NS
70 BTHS,ADM EFE,Sa/Su 10am-5pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Beloved by locals and visitors alike, our annual Wellfleet OysterFest™ has grown to become one of the most popular events on Cape Cod. Started back in 2001, OysterFest is a 2-day party that pulses with everything that makes life in Wellfleet so special; art, seafood, and community.

Upwards of 20,000 people gather in the heart of downtown for one weekend in October to celebrate our world famous oysters. This family-friendly hootenanny takes over Main Street with local food, beer and wine gardens, live music, arts and crafts vendors, and, of course, oysters. Lots and lots of oysters and other ‘Fleet-raised shellfish dished out directly from the men and women who harvest them along our shores. There are culinary demonstrations, educational lectures, an annual road race, and a Family Fun area complete with kid-friendly crafting, games, and a bounce house.

OysterFest is also home to the annual Wellfleet Oyster Shuck-Off competition. A fiercely contested gathering of oyster athletes, our Shuck-Off is the biggest oyster shucking competition in America. Shuckers from far and wide battle it out with our local oyster knife athletes for the ultimate bi-valve bragging rights, cash prizes, and the opportunity to have their name immortalized on our Golden Oyster trophy.
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