Rittenhouse Square Fall Fine Arts & Crafts in PHILADELPHIA, PA

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Rittenhouse Square Fall Fine Arts & Crafts in PHILADELPHIA, PA

Date 10/10/2025 to 10/12/2025
Promoter Rose Squared Productions, Inc
Event Name Rittenhouse Square Fall Fine Arts & Crafts
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Event Location Rittenhouse Square Park, 18th & Walnut Streets
Craftmaster Codes $495+,10X12,ACO,FAO,CL,F,JY,DL 2/29
17,000 ATTN,4+1 PH,CRQ,OS,JU $35,NS
130 BTHS,FREE ADM,10am-5pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Rittenhouse Square Fall Fine Craft Show
Rose Squared Art Shows presents the Rittenhouse Square Fall Fine Craft Show October 10-12, 2025. More than 150 fine craft artisans grace the square showcasing works in ceramics, jewelry, wood, digital art, decorative and wearable fiber, furniture, glass, and photography.

Show hours 10-6 Friday/Saturday and 10-5 Sunday Rain or shine.

Rittenhouse Square, operated and maintained by the non-profit Friends of Rittenhouse Square, is one of five original squares planned by city founder William Penn in the late 17th century. It is in the heart of Center City’s most expensive and exclusive neighborhood. With some of the best fine dining experiences in the city and a plethora of hotels, art show patrons should plan to spend the day or the weekend shopping for and engaging with the artists while surrounded by the handsome tree-filled park.
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