Lakefront Artist Fair in RACINE, WI

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Lakefront Artist Fair in RACINE, WI

Date 08/02/2025
City/State RACINE, WI
Promoter Racine Montesssori School
Event Name Lakefront Artist Fair
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Event Location Rotary Park, 5 5th St.
Craftmaster Codes $65,10X10,ACO,FAO,DB,DM,F,JY,DL 7/26
1000 ATTN,3 PH,PWR $15,DNR,OS
50+ BTHS,FREE ADM,Sa 9am-3pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info After a 4 year hiatus, Lakefront Artist Fair (LAF) is making a comeback in connection with Racine River Fest. The fair will be held outside of Festival Hall, at Rotary Park on Aug 3, from 9am - 3pm. Other events at Festival Hall will include a 5K run, pancake breakfast, live music, beer garden and more. This is a family friendly event and our school with have face painting and games for kids.

We are hoping for a gorgeous day by the lakefront, but the fair will be held no matter the weather. Artists are responsible for their own display and set-up including tables, chairs, and or/tents. Spaces are 10x10, on concrete. Some spaces may be larger due to design of site.

Food vendors are required to provide proof of insurance as well as food safety certificate.

The lakefront and downtown area should be busy with all of the activities taking place at part of Racine River Fest.

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