The Renaissance Festival 30th+ in HARVEYSBURG, OH

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The Renaissance Festival 30th+ in HARVEYSBURG, OH

Date 08/30/2025 to 10/26/2025
Promoter Brimstone and Fire LLC
Event Name The Renaissance Festival 30th+
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Event Location State Route 73 off of 71, 5 miles E of Waynesville.
Craftmaster Codes $900+,SIZE VARIES,ACO,FAO,E
185,000 ATTN,6+PH,INS,JU,NS
175 BTHS,ADM FEE,10:30-7pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Over 175 master artisans and craftsmen come from all over the country to demonstrate the lost art of their crafts at this exceptional event. All craft items must be handmade and meet specific criteria in keeping with the Renaissance time period. Import and resell items no longer considered at this event.
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