Art Festival 30th+ in EAGAN, MN

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Art Festival 30th+ in EAGAN, MN

Date 06/21/2025 to 06/22/2025
City/State EAGAN, MN
Promoter Dakota Center for the Arts
Event Name Art Festival 30th+
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Event Location Central Park 1501 Central Parkway
Craftmaster Codes $175-$350,10X10,ACO,FAO,E,F,JY,DL 4/3
13,000+ ATTN,5 PH,CRQ,OS,JU,NS
100 BTHS,FREE ADM,Sa 9-5,Su 10-5
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info The festival has attendance of 13,000. In addition, this event also includes an online shopping platform with NO add'l fee to provide access to community members that are unable to attend. There will be artists demos and some musical entertainment. Join us this June! Apply on-line at the end of January!
Event Hours:Sat. 9 - 5 Sun.10-5

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