Artisphere 20th+ in GREENVILLE, SC

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Artisphere 20th+ in GREENVILLE, SC

Date 05/09/2025 to 05/11/2025
Promoter Downtown Greenville
Event Name Artisphere 20th+
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Event Location Main Street, Downtown
Craftmaster Codes $500,12X12,FAO,JY
4+1 PH,JU $45,DL 10/9,OS,PWR $40
135 BTHS,12-8,10-8,11-6
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info 2025 marks the 21st annual event for the top ranking Artisphere festival in Greenville, SC. Despite its short history, Artisphere has distinguished itself as both a regional and national highlight. A supportive, art-loving community, beautiful setting, notable on-site artist amenities and hospitality, and over 500 volunteers make the three-day event an enjoyable experience for exhibiting artists and the public alike. Renowned artist hospitality includes complimentary daily meals, snacks & beverages, convenient set-up, parking, security, booth sitters, and reduced hotel rates. Artisphere is a 501(c)(3) non-profit art organization. Proceeds are used to produce the annual arts festival and are distributed back to local non-profit arts organizations as part of Artisphere's Volunteer Arts Partnership Program.

Established in 2005, Artisphere is a signature event on Greenville’s busy cultural calendar that draws both locals and art buying tourists to Greenville, SC's dynamic downtown. Artisphere has been ranked a TOP 10 Fine Art and Fine Craft festival by the Art Fair Sourcebook and #3 out of 20 finalists in USA Today’s Reader’s Choice Award for Best Art Festival. Additionally, the festival is recognized annually as a Top 20 Event in the Southeast by the Southeast Tourism Society.
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