Rochester Home & Lifestyles Show in ROCHESTER, MN

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Rochester Home & Lifestyles Show in ROCHESTER, MN

Date 03/14/2025 to 03/16/2025
Promoter RochesterMNshows
Event Name Rochester Home & Lifestyles Show
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Event Location Graham Arena, 1570 Fairgrounds Ave Se
Craftmaster Codes $525,10X10,A,AC,FA,CL,CMR
100 BTHS,FREE ADM,F 3-8,Sa 10-6,Su 11-4
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Engage - Interact - Network at the Region's Largest Attended Show

As Minnesota’s 3rd largest city and home to the state’s largest employer, the “World Renowned” Mayo Clinic, Rochester and its surrounding communities have been and will always be part of a unique region with some of the most highly educated, highly trained, highly paid medical, computer, hospitality, manufacturer and service industry professionals in the Midwest.

The Rochester Home and Lifestyle Show with its ease of access and ample parking at a facility familiar with consumers, was the region’s largest attended consumer trade show in 2023. This event provided an opportunity for thousands of individuals and families to learn about and purchase products and services for their home or their lifestyle.
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