Grape & Fall Festival 27th in HOLLISTER, MO

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Grape & Fall Festival 27th in HOLLISTER, MO

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 10/12/2024
Promoter Hollister Area Chamber of Commerce
Event Name Grape & Fall Festival 27th
Contact Person (On file for subscribers)
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Event Location Downing Street, Hollister, MO
Craftmaster Codes $125-$300,10X10+,AC,FA,CL,E,F,JY,CMR
10,000 ATTN,OS,K,PWR 110 Volt $10
100 BTHS,FREE ADM,10am-6pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info
Festivities kick off on October 12th at 9:00 a.m. with the “Color Me Grape” 5K Fun Run. Runners will trek throughout historic downtown Hollister while spectators douse them in an array of vivid colors. All of the registration fees are used to assist local non-profit organizations in the Hollister area. If you’re interested in participating in the Fun Run, you can go online to register.

The excitement continues to build throughout the day with live entertainment featuring some of Branson’s biggest stars. Historical Downing Street will be lined with a wide variety of food and craft exhibitor booths. The Craftsman’s Village gives attendees an opportunity to watch fine artists and craftsmen at work and a Kid Zone offers fun and games for children where they can interact with a petting zoo!
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