Holiday Craft Fair in FRAMINGHAM, MA

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Holiday Craft Fair in FRAMINGHAM, MA

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 12/14/2024
Promoter Rotary Club of Framingham
Event Name Holiday Craft Fair
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Event Location Keefe Technical School, 750 Winter St
Craftmaster Codes $90-$120,9X10+,AC,FA,CL,DB,DM,JY
120 BTHS,DL 12/7,$5 ADM,10am-4pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Our annual Framingham Rotary Holiday Craft Fair, like our Spring Craft Fairs, features over 100 vendors and over 1,000 attendees participating. The Fair is held in a spacious, heated, and centrally located Keefe Technical High School in Framingham MA. with ample free parking. Customer admission is $5 for 12 & up; military Veterans are always free. Proceeds will benefit the Rotary Club’s mission to meet local needs through funding of services and projects, and worldwide needs through the support of Rotary International Humanitarian efforts.

The Framingham Rotary Craft Fair is not a juried event but is intended for crafters and artists only. Vendors with similar offerings will be reviewed and may be limited. Vendors can choose between a standard 10'x9' or large corner booth; electricity & windows are available upon request.
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