Waterfront Art Festival 51st in WEBSTER, NY

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Waterfront Art Festival 51st in WEBSTER, NY

Date 07/27/2024 to 07/28/2024
City/State WEBSTER, NY
Promoter Waterfront Art Festival Prod.
Event Name Waterfront Art Festival 51st
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Event Location Charles E. Sexton Memorial Park
Craftmaster Codes $225,10X10,ACO,FAO,DL 6/30
20,000 ATTN,OS,JU $35,3+1 PH,PWR
100+ BTHS,$5 ADM,Sa 10-6,Su 10-5
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info We’re an outdoor, juried Festival in Webster, NY featuring fine arts, and crafts. The Festival is held in Charles E. Sexton Memorial Park (formerly North Ponds Park), located along Route 104.
The Festival is laid out in a circle around a large pond and offers a nice mix of shady and sunny spaces on grass and spacious vendor areas. Artists are able to drive up to their space to unload their equipment and product before moving their vehicle to the free artist parking just outside the Festival grounds and of course to reverse that when they are packed up and ready to leave.
The Jurors and our team work hard to assemble a mix of high quality, original art and craft offerings in all price ranges. We encourage artists to demonstrate their skills to both entertain the visitors and to build a better bond that can lead to improved sales.
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