Michigan Bean Festival in FAIRGROVE, MI

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Michigan Bean Festival in FAIRGROVE, MI

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 08/30/2024 to 09/02/2024
Promoter Michigan Bean Festival Board
Event Name Michigan Bean Festival
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Event Location Mulberry Park
Craftmaster Codes $25/DAY,10 X10,A,AC,CL,DB,DM,E,JY,CMR
FREE ADM,F 6-12,Sa 9-12,Su 11-12,M 11-6
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info The Michigan Bean Festival is 74+ years old and going strong.This is a well-run festival held in a beautiful tree lined park with paved walkways, lots of lighting and bathroom facilities. Each day has different activities. The craft, Antique, Vendor show is at the front of the park where everyone walks. We are planning a scavenger hunt to reward your customer for shopping with you.There is something for every age group, children through adult.
Here is a list of some of our many events, fireworks, a car show, games for children a grand parade, bingo, live bands, Demos, Mud Bog, and a Volleyball Tournament.
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