Tarpon Springs Sponge Art & Craft Festival in TARPON SPRINGS, FL

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Tarpon Springs Sponge Art & Craft Festival in TARPON SPRINGS, FL

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 07/13/2024 to 07/14/2024
Promoter American Craft Endeavors
Event Name Tarpon Springs Sponge Art & Craft Festival
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Event Location 735 Dodecanese Blvd.
Craftmaster Codes $350,10X10,ACO,FAO,JY
OS,JU $15,3+1 PH,SASE
100 BTHS,FREE ADM,Sa 10-7,Su 10-5
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Per Website:Tarpon Springs is a city on central Florida’s Gulf Coast. The City boasts multiple beaches and waterfront parks. It is known for the world's finest sponges and some of the best Greek restaurants, markets, and bakeries in the country. The recognized Greektown district has become a destination for history and art lovers.
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