Oddmall: Pickle Fest in AKRON, OH

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Oddmall: Pickle Fest in AKRON, OH

Date 08/10/2025
City/State AKRON, OH
Promoter Andy Hopp
Event Name Oddmall: Pickle Fest
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Event Location Canal Place, 520 Main St.
Craftmaster Codes $80+,10X10,A,AC,FA,CL,DB,DM,E,JY,CMR
2000 ATTN,F $150,OS
60+ BTHS,FREE ADM,11am-5pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info A preposterous preponderance of pickled provisions, provocative pleasantries, prominent peddlers, and prodigiously preposterous pastimes awaits all who venture into the realm of Akron Pickle Fest (a co-production of Stray Dog and Oddmall). Dozens of artists and crafters, vendors galore, food trucks filling your face with pickles and other delectable delights to please the most discerning of appetites… There are pickle games, pickle contests, pickle tournaments, pickle parades, and so much more. TODAY WE CELEBRATE ALL THINGS PICKLE!
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