Art Fair 54th in MT HOREB, WI

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Art Fair 54th in MT HOREB, WI

Date 07/19/2025 to 07/20/2025
City/State MT HOREB, WI
Promoter Chamber of Commerce
Event Name Art Fair 54th
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Event Location Downtown Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
Craftmaster Codes $175-$400,10X10,10X20,20X20,ACO,FAO,F
175 BTHS,FREE ADM,Sa 9-5,Su 10-4
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info The Annual Art Fair in Mount Horeb's historic downtown, our Trollway, showcases fine artists & crafters from around the Midwest. Experience Norwegian culture, friendly atmosphere, food, silent art auction, music, and downtown amenities.

Travelers from all over the Midwest come to discover great artists and what Mount Horeb has to offer. Come explore our charming downtown and find our welcoming handmade trolls. We look forward to meeting you at the Annual Mount Horeb Art Fair!
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