Ann Arbor Summer Art Fair 56th in ANN ARBOR, MI

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Ann Arbor Summer Art Fair 56th in ANN ARBOR, MI

Date 07/17/2025 to 07/19/2025
City/State ANN ARBOR, MI
Promoter Guild of Artists & Artisans
Event Name Ann Arbor Summer Art Fair 56th
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Event Location Main and Liberty Streets, State Street
Craftmaster Codes $725+,10X10+,FAO,JU $45,4+1 PH
400,000 ATTN,OS,NS,PWR,DL 2/3
375 BTHS,Free Adm,Th-Sa 10-9, Su 12-6
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info The 51st Annual Ann Arbor Summer Art Fair is one of four official partner fairs that comprise the award-winning and highly-respected Ann Arbor Art Fair which for four days each July transforms Ann Arbor, Michigan into a spectacular outdoor art gallery featuring more than 1,000 professional artists and attracting half a million visitors. The 51st Annual Ann Arbor Summer Art Fair is a juried, fine art event featuring the members of the Guild of Artists & Artisans and has 375 exhibiting artist booths, art demonstrations, entertainment, delicious food, and special programs including The Guild’s Emerging Artist program with two Emerging Artist tents for 2020!

The 51st Annual Ann Arbor Summer Art Fair includes two locations. The campus section is on State Street from Madison to William. The downtown section is on Main Street from William to Huron and Liberty Street from Ashley to Fifth Avenue.
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